
Iqukethe izikhangiso
985 izibuyekezo
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Isithombe sesithombe-skrini

Mayelana nalolu hlelo lokusebenza

Lokhu iklayenti evumela abasebenzisi ukubuka futhi ulawule DVR yabo.

Sine version pro futhi abanalo isikhangiso.

Ake abanye DVRs ukusebenza uqhubeke njengawo Port 7050
Sekela more uhlobo DVRs entsha.
Ngoba lezi entsha uhlobo DVRs ezenzakalelayo port kuyinto 37777 noma 34567 noma 8000 noma 5800 noma 8101
futhi abanye DVR port ubudala mhlawumbe kakhulu kuba kubo. Insiza enza iphutha lapho ukholelwa ukuthi DVR elidala idivayisi entsha uhlobo. esibangela lokusebenza awukwazi ukusebenza kahle ngoba.
Sisebenzisa indlela ukuyixazulula.
Udinga hlola Khetha ibhokisi elithi "Sekela kuphela idivayisi ubudala" kuzilungiselelo ke ugcine it.and uphume kule app.and bese uqale kabusha uhlelo lokusebenza, DVR elidala kungenziwa ukusekela kahle.

Umakhalekhukhwini Android ahambisanayo.
video Unlimited on amaselula kanye WiFi.
Amaprosesa asekelwe MultiChannel isiqophi-encoder.
Sekela Remote Ukudlala.
Amaprosesa asekelwe ekucushweni kwedivayisi nemingcele.
Ukusekela Ikheli le-IP ashukumisayo igama lesizinda ukufinyelela (zingenalo http: //).
Amaprosesa asekelwe isifinyezo ukuphathwa.
Ukusekela ubuqiniso.
Support for Pan, Nyakazisa, & Zoom control.
Direct stream uxhumano. ngaphandle noma iyiphi yokudlulisa iseva third party.
Snapshot khono (lapho ubuka ukusakaza bukhoma) ukusindisa wangakini photo gallery.
Ukusekela landscape ne portrait mode.
Amandla ukushintsha lozimele futhi -bitrate njengoba wayefisa kwabasebenzisi bangaphakathi kanye akude.
Kubuyekezwe ngo-
Nov 23, 2016

Ukuphepha kwedatha

Onjiniyela bangase babonise ulwazi lapha mayelana nendlela i-app yabo eqoqa futhi esebenzisa ngayo idatha yakho. Funda kabanzi mayelana nokuphepha kwedatha
Alukho ulwazi olutholakalayo

Izilinganiso nezibuyekezo

922 izibuyekezo

Yini entsha

Let some dvrs work continue just like port is 7050
Support more new type dvrs
Because these new type dvrs default port is 37777 or 34567 or 8000 or 5800 or 8101
and some old dvr port maybe is them too. The app mistakenly believes that the old dvr is a new type device. that causes the app can not work well for it
We use a method to solve it
You need check the Select box for "Only Support old device" in settings then save it.and exit this app.and then restart app,the old dvr can be support well