Team Canada Table Hockey

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Team Canada Table Hockey
Officially licensed by Hockey Canada.

Based off Stinger Table Hockey, which was the No. 1 selling Paid App in Canada, Team Canada Table Hockey makes improvements in every area of the game making it a new experience. Improved physics, control and AI takes table hockey to the next level.

Bullet Physics provides physics simulation that recreates the speed and challenge of real table hockey, featuring a puck that has a life of its own. Used extensively on next generation consoles, Bullet Physics provides a unique gameplay experience for iOS and Android devices.

Challenge a friend to a game of table hockey over Wi-Fi or Bluetooth.

Improve your skills with a selection of fun and simple mini-games, competing against other players worldwide to see who has the best skills using OpenFeint and Game Center Leaderboards. Track your table hockey career stats and earn achievements for your milestones.
Oxirgi yangilanish
11-sen, 2013

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