Advertise your business, services, jobs, events or products for absolutely free
AB Bechde is a 100% free classified ads app. Find what you need, sell your stuff, or advertise your business for free. You need to register an account to post ads. We even keep you posted as how your ads are doing. We work hard to make the app easy to use so you could sell your stuff, promote your business, or get the help you need quickly and efficiently.
AB Bechde provides opportunities for individuals and businesses to post unlimited free ads both locally and internationaly, for absolutely free.
1) Location Based Buy & Sell App
2) User can set their location
3) Upload Item from User
4) Advanced Search Item
5) Items By Category
6) Categories List
7) Sub Categories List
8 ) Item Details
9) Firebase Chatting
10) Offer / Accepct / Rejct in between buyer and seller
11) Push Notification
12) User Favourite Item
13) User Login, Register and Logout
14) Follow User
15) Facebook Login
16) Multi-Language
17) Support RTL
18) Rating & Review in between buyer and seller
19) Blog
20) Version Control
21) Google Login
22) Phone Login
23) Safety tips
24) User verification ( email, phone, facebook, google )
25) Google Map Location integration
We are aware of the competition in this industry and we aim to be among the best by constantly improving our service quality. We take user feedback seriously and we incorporate them in our continous improvement strategy.
AB Bechde | Buy & Sell Anything
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