Have your insurance information close at hand with the Acuity app. Pay your bill, view your policy documents, report and track claims, and more all in one place!
View your information and profile:
• Access your agency information effortlessly
• Conveniently save vehicle ID cards to your phone.*
• Have digital copies of your certificates of insurance for any situation
Lean on Acuity during tough times:
• Instantly connect with Emergency Roadside Assistance 24/7
• Have personal guidance with the claim process step-by-step on your phone
• Smoothly search through our extensive Acuity pre-approved auto repair shops near you
Make the payment and billing process quick and safe:
• Pay scheduled bills with debit/credit or checking account
• Be in the loop on new information by signing up for electronic mail or text message notifications
*Vehicle ID card does not meet requirements for proof of insurance as required in some states.