Crossword (Rebus) is one of the most common types of mental exercises in the world.
The materials presented in the game is a mix of squares crossword type definitions classic crossword puzzle with a degree of dificulate from easy to medium.
All squares are unique.
Abbreviations and groups of two characters.
Squares abbreviations used are:
Abbreviation = ABR
Singular = SG
Plural = PL
Male = MASC
Female = FEM
Regionalism = reg
People = pop
Two letters groups were defined either classic or puns.
Examples of class definitions:
Musical note = RE
Knuckle = OS
Leaf tree = AC
Ionel Toma = IT (written initials of name and surname)
Examples of enigmistic definitions:
Check! = CC
Head dog! = CA (written first letters of the word "dog")
Veal tail! = EL (written last last letters of the word "calf")
In the forest! = DU (written two adjacent letters within the word "forest", usually middle letters)
Thirst! = ST