Eastern Garden Live Wallpaper

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2,27 ming ta sharh
100 ming+
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Animated Live Wallpapers "Oriental Garden" for Android will be a great decoration for your smartphone or tablet. Like a breath of freshness in the everyday hustle and bustle. The wonderful world of the East opens in front of you . Enchanting landscape is breathtaking and stirs the imagination. Mountains, lakes and waterfalls - all this scenery of Japan and China. It seems that everything is permeated by a mysterious serenity. Here is the wonderful rock garden with a lovely pond and fountains. Somewhere in the sky flying Chinese lanterns . A coastal breeze carries the scent of cherry blossoms .

Basic settings and effects:
- 8 types of sky to choose from (Day, evening, morning, night sky)
- Dynamic Chinese lanterns
- Animated clouds
- Animated cherry blossoms (Sakura effect)
- Green leaf fall
- Falling dark leaves
- Open settings on double-tap
- Reaction on touch: Gravity (magnet ), or anti-gravity
- Customizable horizontal scrolling ( for the latest devices from samsung, such as samsung galaxy SIII, SIV, Note II, use on touch mode )

How to set Eastern Garden Live Wallpaper on the screen of your phone: Home → Applications → Settings → Display → Wallpapers → Home screen wallpaper → Live wallpapers → Eastern Garden Live Wallpaper

- Smooth OpenGL ES 3D animations
- Low battery use
- All screen sizes support
- HD tablets / phones support
- Landscape / portrait screen mode support
Oxirgi yangilanish
12-noy, 2023

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2,03 ming ta sharh