Inspectos is a solution aimed at Risk and Claim Inspection in the insurance industry.
The solution aims to streamline the risk inspection process, digitally integrating the entire process from the inspection request to the delivery of the report, which can be triggered again in the claim process.
Its use will substantially speed up the time used in the inspection operation, thus generating a reduction in the total time between the request for insurance by the proponent and the generation of the policy.
There is also the socio-environmental commitment, which when we created this solution we saw the potential gain by removing paper from practically the entire process.
What are the advantages?
• Field process regulation
• Control of the entire process by SLA (Service Level Agreement)
• Digitized process
• Inspection by quadrants
• Check-in at the inspection site
• Geolocation in images
• Reduction of inspection fraud
• Treatment of incomplete reports
• Reduction of report generation time
• Inspection notice for the tenderer/insured
• Inspection feedback by the bidder/insured
• Self-inspection by the tenderer/insured
• Analytical information
• Multi-branch solution
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