In the Department of Sensory Analysis of Silliker Iberian, we carry out market studies to know the opinion of consumers about many products that you can find in the market. We also do studies on products that manufacturers are developing and for which they need to know the opinion of consumers like you.
The purpose of these studies is to allow consumers like you to express their opinions on products present in the market, both at a general level and on some more specific aspects, such as color, taste, smell, texture, functionality of the package, etc. with the aim that their judgments help manufacturers to improve their products.
The product evaluation sessions are held in our Sensory Analysis Centers, located in Barcelona and Madrid, and consist of testing certain products giving their opinion about them.
In exchange for your collaboration, you will receive points that you will accumulate so that they can be exchanged for gifts (gift cards, gasoline checks, gift boxes with hotel stays, ...). With your registration at Panelsilliker and an attendance at a tasting session you can now get your first gift.