The Stock Market Game

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From better attendance and increased engagement and participation in class to higher test scores and improved academic performance, there are many anecdotes about the educational impact of the SIFMA Foundation's Stock Market Game (SMG). These anecdotes were confirmed when a study of the SMG program by American Institutes for Research confirmed quantitatively that the Stock Market Game engages students and improves academic performance, financial knowledge, and saving and investing habits.

The SMG mobile app works in conjunction with the SMG student team portfolios, engaging students in meaningful second screen experiences. The app syncs with standard SMG portfolios to provide current Account Summary, Pending Transactions, Transaction Notes, and market news information. The app will also allow teams to look up ticker symbols and enter trades.

You must be registered in an active SMG session to use this app.
Oxirgi yangilanish
30-okt, 2020

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The Stock Market Game mobile apps have been upgraded with many new features that will enhance your experience while being compatible with the latest operating system versions.