Pakistan Hospitality Show

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T (13+)

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Pakistan’s hospitality industry is booming at an incredible rate. Amidst the growing economic activity in Pakistan particularly in relation to the China-Pakistan Economic Corridor in Gwadar, and the improved law and order across the country, the hotel industry has witnessed a vast increase in occupancy.

The premier edition of Pakistan Hospitality Show will be held on 3 – 5 of December 2019 at Karachi Expo Centre. Over the course of these busy days, the exhibition will bring together the various segments of the industry, including foodservices, hotels, resorts, travel and furnishing.

The industry’s latest products, services, and technologies will be showcased along with comprehensive and leading-edge forum sessions that will provide industry stakeholders from Pakistan and surrounding international markets with the best tools to grow and improve their business. It is considered the ideal platform for any international supplier looking to penetrate the Pakistani market.
Oxirgi yangilanish
18-dek, 2019

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