Review the LANGUAGE syllabus for children of First ESO with our fun application, completing all the tests until you get to take the final exam.
- Totally free.
- Final exam.
- Easy to play.
- More than 1,000 questions.
- Specially designed for children in the first year of ESO (Secondary).
- We give permission so that our applications can be used freely and freely in the educational field.
- Words: variable and invariable words, lexemes and morphemes, classes of morphemes, synonyms, antonyms, hyperonyms and hyponyms.
- The names: classes of names, the gender of the names and the number of the names.
- Adjectives: Adjectives and Degrees of the adjective.
- Articles, determiners and pronouns: articles, demonstrative determiners, possessive determiners, numeral determiners, indefinite determiners, pronouns, types of pronouns and personal pronouns.
- Verbs: The verb and the verbal conjugation, Verb forms according to their conjugation, Personal forms and non-personal forms, Verb: simple forms and compound forms, Regular and irregular verbs.
- Adverbs, Prepositions and Conjunctions.
- Statements: Classes of statements.
- Predicate: The direct object, the indirect object, the circumstantial object, the nucleus of the subject and the predicate, the nominal and verbal predicate and the verb complements.
- Spelling I: Accentuation, The diphthong and The hiatus.
- Spelling II: Punctuation marks, The letter H, The letters LL and Y, The letters B and V, The letters G and J, The CC and Words with X and S.
Enjoy our application at no cost and reinforce your knowledge of language.