Simple part-time job - Anyone, including college students and housewives
A new beginning for AppTech!
If you are looking for a part-time job that you can easily do from home, start with “Simple Part-Time Job”!
Employed office workers, housewives doing housework at home, people looking for a second job, students studying
Anyone can get a part-time job.
[3 second part-time job]
You can earn part-time pay with a simple click, comment, and work within minutes.
[Part-time posting]
You can earn part-time pay by posting on social media such as blogs, cafes, and Instagram.
[Part-time job that pays]
High-profit part-time wages can be earned through sales, sales, and partnerships.
[Technician part-time job]
You can earn part-time wages in specialized fields such as design, logo production, video production and editing, and homepage production, etc.
[Friend recruitment part-time job]
You can earn part-time pay by registering as a member or signing up for a new service.
Now earn part-time wages through simple part-time jobs~