Welcome to BookTamer: SuB & reading diary! With our app you can manage your stack of unread books (SuB) and keep a personal reading diary to record your reading experiences. Also included are statistics and book recommendations!
Unread Books Stack (SuB): Add all the books you want to read and keep track of them. Mark books you've read and let your student shrink as you work your way through your book list.
Reading diary: Record your thoughts and feelings about every book you read. Reflect on literary successes and choose your “book of the month” that you would like to highlight.
Inspiration: Explore new books that fit your reading interests! Choose a book from your SuB & Reading Journal and receive personalized recommendations for similar works.
Statistics: Detailed overview of your reading activity with number of books read, pages and hours listened, monthly/yearly/total, including charts and analysis of genres and book formats read (audiobook, hardcover, e-book, paperback).
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