We are an app that provides extensive content of high school subjects into a single place. It is designed for students to study for classes and prepare for exams. The content has great variety including summary, full text and video. Practice sets have been included into each topic for enhancing the learning process.
No need to carry all the books! The material is already inside the app. We also have the previous sets of exams like O-NET which upon your completion, your strengths and weaknesses will be revealed. This will significantly shorten your study time by focusing only on particular areas where you may not be very good at. Next, you can immediately link to relevant topics for reviewing the material and getting better by doing a practice set. You can study conveniently anywhere anytime.
The content for all subjects are provided by relevant university instructors. They are from prominent universities like Thammasat, Chalalongkorn, Kasetsart and Silpakorn. The content structure is aligned with the standardized structure from Thailand Ministry of Education so that the content is ensured to be relevant for Thai high school students.
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