Mobile Customers
PT. Regional Development Bank Bali.
Mobile Client is an application that can be accessed via smartphone by saving basic Customer Account (BSA) PT. Regional Development Bank Bali. BSA Mobile application provides the flexibility and convenience to customers in a variety of banking services via smartphones dam using an Internet connection.
The main features of the Mobile Client application is:
1. Payment of bills
2. The purchase of credit / voucher
3. Generate code pull
4. Transfer to a basic account and savings account (BSA)
5. Send the money to a mobile phone number
6. Transfer to account rather basic savings accounts (BSA)
7. Movements basic account and savings account (BSA)
8. History customer transactions
Registration and Activation:
1. For the first usage, you need to perform basic account opening savings accounts (BSA) in Agen MaiLaku nearby.
2. After opening a basic account and savings account (BSA), then the Customer will receive an activation code sent via SMS.
3. Download the Mobile Client application in the Play Store.
4. Enable Mobile Client application on a smartphone
5. To activate the application, you will be asked to:
a. Agree to the terms and conditions MaiLaku Agent application.
b. Enter your phone number
c. Enter the activation code
d. Enter the name of the client
e. Enter the date, month and year of birth
f. Enter the mobile PIN which will be used in every transaction
6. After completing the registration and activation process, then the Mobile Client application is ready for use.
For further information, please contact the nearest branch of Bank BPD Bali. Congratulations use Mobile Client application.