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The official mobile app for Adtiya Birla Sun Life Mutual Fund Partner.
Introducing ABSLMF Partner, the dedicated mobile application from Aditya Birla Sun Life Mutual Fund for its Partner.
ABSLMF’s Partner is designed keeping our partners’ requirements in mind. A simple interface, small-size and quick navigation are some of the features that make this app a powerful tool.
How does ABSLMF’s Partner give our partners the competitive advantage over others?
1. Distributor Initiated transactions:
Now with Partner, make your customer’s investment experience hassle-free. You can purchase, redeem, book SIPs, STP, SWP and switch between investments at just a click.
2. Assisted eKYC for investors:
As a mandate, customers need to fill in their Know Your Customer (KYC) form to make an investment in Mutual Funds. Now with Partner, you can assist them with the filling of their eKYC and subsequently help making an investment in real-time.
3. Distributor initiated folio creation:
Now you can sit with your customer anywhere and create their folio in accordance to their need. This will save time and help close your deal right at that time.
4. Reports:
Provide your Partner Sales summary Report, Customer Transaction Report, AUM report to help them take an informed decision.
5. Product List:
You can also suggest your customers the best course of action by easily accessing the wide range of solutions from us.
6. Calculator Tool:
Partner also grants access to a Calculator Tool that makes it easy to calculate your customer’s returns on investment while on-the-go.
7. View your ABFS Privilege Club details:
This application grants access to your club point status, view & redeem benefits exclusive to your club class and get recent updates at the touch of a button.
With all these features and regular updates at your fingertips, be assured of Scaling greater heights together.
So go ahead and install ABSLMF Partner to open a gateway to a brighter and more profitable road ahead
Oxirgi yangilanish
24-apr, 2024

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