CAApp is the application that facilitates the Bahian law practice, making access to the services and benefits offered by CAAB all over Bahia practical, quick and pleasant.
It gives access to news published on the institution's website, providing information to members.
CAApp also gives access to the new CAAB Card, which is no longer physical and becomes virtual.
It guarantees the access of lawyers and their dependents to the services and benefits that Caixa de Assistência offers to the class.
It makes it possible to quickly and securely schedule services offered by CAAB, such as those in the health area, such as the Dental Center.
CAApp also grants access to the network of accredited partners, who offer services with exclusive discounts for CAAB members.
And there is also the new access to CAAssh, which allows members to use the services in exchange for points.
Emphasizing that these points are exclusive to exchange for services offered by CAAB, not being converted into monetary value.