It's good to use when buying or selling your car.
Camus will be with you in 2024 as well.
▶When selling your car, sell your car at the highest price through free comparative quotes from over 900 member companies.
ㆍCamus’ highly accurate AI price search
ㆍConveniently make a reservation at the desired location at the desired time (same-day reservation is also possible)
ㆍSystematic vehicle diagnosis by professional appraisers
ㆍChoose the highest price you want without annoying meetings and phone calls
ㆍProfessional consulting staff is responsible for all stages of vehicle sales
▶When buying my car, 100% real sale Camus certified car fraud
ㆍOnly sellers who have completed verification on Carmus sell vehicles.
ㆍBlock the source of false listings, check actual vehicles every hour
ㆍComplete car purchase with just a touch within 10 minutes
ㆍ100% non-face-to-face mobile simple ordering from car selection to delivery
ㆍNon-face-to-face used car comparison loan and interest rate comparison provided only by Camus
ㆍUnconditional refund within 7 days
ㆍFree 3-month extended warranty
▶Customer center where you can communicate at any time when buying or selling your car
ㆍSelling my car / Buying my car: 1588-0015
ㆍ1:1 inquiry available through in-app chat