There is a newcomer in the vast scene of personal relationship Apps: Check&Love. We talked about this with the author.
Why Check&Love?
To enhance true relationships between real people who are inevitably people that know and see each other, as I like to say, in a transparent and public way.
Isn't it just another meeting App?
Absolutely not! The source of inspiration is the opposite: let's stop running away from love, looking for fleeting affairs with unknown people! Let's rediscover passion and true feelings, from which we walk away because they always appear to be too complicated and difficult; and also perhaps because we are more and more frightened by the other.
So Check&Love helps you to find love?
Exactly. Check&Love is a tool that helps shy people and people that are a little disappointed with personal relationships and that gives you the possibility to put a Check to people you like, without revealing yourself, waiting to receive a Check and then fall in Love.
But how can Love happen on a cell phone?
The cell phone is the tool with which we do everything; it's enough to watch friends when they are together: they talk, laugh, argue, eat, train in the gym or watch a movie, always with a cell phone in their hands. It's a continues ringing, an orchestra of sounds and, what's saddest, of smiles and solitary emotions, face to face holding a tool instead of looking into the eyes of the person who is in front of you. And now with Check&Love, it's true that people will continue to interact with the cell phone, but at least to try to build true relationships.
So Check&Love is an App to find love?
Yes, but it's important to underline that Check&Love is only a tool for joining and sharing and whatever you use it for will only depend on you, as stated in the Ethical Code. And the idea of writing an ethical code comes from this awareness: I've designed and created a social that has it own philosophy and rules that require you to play, as I said before, in a transparent and public way. But even so, you can try to find the love of your life or simply all the people you like; that depends only on you.
But what's the real innovation of Check&Love?
Building relationships among people that know each other instead of facilitating casual encounters among unknown people. In short, more than friends, but always letting them know who you are.
Why was Check&Love designed as a game?
Because love is your happy moment that, like laughter, will take you back to childhood when everything was a game.