Simple Sticky Note Widget

15,1 ming ta sharh
1 mln+
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Discover the simplicity of Simple Sticky Note Widget, the lightweight sticky note widget that enhances your productivity without unnecessary complexities. No permissions required!

Key Features:
- Resizable & Scrollable: Customize the size of your sticky notes to fit your preferences. Scroll through your notes effortlessly.
- Home & Lock Screen Compatible: Enjoy the convenience of having your sticky notes on both your home screen and, on devices running Jelly Bean and KitKat, your lock screen.
- Hidden History Feature: Uncover the hidden gem – a unique history feature that lets you revisit edits made to your sticky notes in the past 24 hours. Accidental deletion? No problem!

Accessing the History Feature:
1) Add a sticky note widget to your home screen.
2) Open the sticky note widget editor by tapping on the widget.
3) Double-tap the editor screen five times in quick succession.
4) Swipe left and right on the history screen to view notes from the past 24 hours.

Important Notes:
- Device Restart May Be Required: You may need to restart your device before the widget appears in your widget list.
- Due to Android limitations, this app may not be visible when installed on the SD card.

Explore added customization options by upgrading to Simple Sticky Note Widget Plus! Change background colors, adjust font sizes, and effortlessly share note text with other apps.

[Download Now] – Simplify your note-taking experience with Simple Sticky Note Widget!
Oxirgi yangilanish
11-dek, 2023

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