ICU Trials by ClinCalc

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ICU Trials is a quick pocket reference for both the novice and seasoned critical care clinician. This app does not replace the original manuscript of these landmark critical care trials – instead, it serves as a fast reference and learning tool for some of the most important ICU trials over a wide range of specialties.

Each entry contains a short one-liner about the critical care trial and key points, which includes only the most pertinent details, such as inclusion/exclusion criteria, treatment protocols, pertinent endpoints and findings, as well as expert commentary regarding key subgroup analyses or limitations to the trial.

Want to send a colleague a citation? Use the "Share Trial" button to send a PubMed link via email. Using this feature, it’s incredibly easy to share pivotal critical care trials with students, residents, and other colleagues.

The database features 83 landmark trials related to: ARDS, cardiac arrest, DVT/PE, delirium, glycemic control, heart failure, hemorrhage, meningitis, nephroprotection, nutrition, pneumonia, sedation, seizure, sepsis/shock, spinal cord injury, stroke, and subarachnoid hemorrhage – with more trials and topics to be added on a regular basis!

This app is designed and maintained by Sean P. Kane, PharmD, BCPS -- a clinical pharmacist specializing in critical care with a background in information technology and application development.
Oxirgi yangilanish
30-sen, 2023

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190 ta sharh

Nima yangiliklar

Update for the latest trial database (dated 2023-09-27) and small bug fixes. The main screen now remembers your view settings for grouping and ordering trials.