Updated for this year's subjects, for a BAC of 10!
Easily learn the BAC subject for the Romanian test, in an interactive way, completing quizzes. More than 500 quizzes that will help you determine your knowledge about the works that can fail the baccalaureate, in an interactive way. With the information you learn from the questions, you will be able to create an essay with which you will get the highest grade in the exam.
The works included in the quizzes:
Alexandru Lăpușneanul - Costache Negruzzi
Otilia's Enigma - G. Călinescu
I do not crush the crown of wonders of the world - Lucian Blaga
Mold flowers - Tudor Arghezi
Ancuței Inn - Mihail Sadoveanu
In the Ghetsemani garden - Vasile Voiculescu
Ion - Liviu Rebreanu
Iona - Marin Sorescu
Second game - Ion Barbu
Young lioness, love - Nichita Stănescu
Maitreyi - Mircea Eliade
The mill with luck - Ioan Slavici
Moromeții - Marin Preda
A lost letter - I.L. Caragiale
Ode (in ancient meter) - Mihai Eminescu
The story of Harap-Alb - Ion Creangă
Winter painting - George Bacovia
The last night of love, the first night of war - Camil Petrescu
Testament - Tudor Arghezi
Lead - George Bacovia
Baltagul - Mihail Sadoveanu
Riga Crypto and Lapland Enigel - Ion Barbu
Luceafarul - Mihai Eminescu
Blue flower - Mihai Eminescu