Albert Witt
We use this app for our on call and the 2.0 version leaves little to be desired. Worst issue is it doesn't keep you signed in like the first app does ans requires both name and password to be entered everytime you use it. Issue 2 is the phone numbers in the message are no longer hyperlinked so instead if just pressing the number and it pulling up the dialer with the number already entered you must pull over or stop what your doing so you can right the number down then dial it. Went back to ver 1
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Josh King
Huge letdown. This is a messaging app that fails to integrate with android native notifications -they rolled their own and it doesn't work. Login system is a bad joke, stupid security theater that prevents the app from doing its one job; my banking apps aren't even half this clunky. Biometrics for sign in is offered, but doesn't actually work or prevent the app silently signing you out. Not sure why this even exists in its current state.
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