Continental is a card game for two, three or four players, which is played with two (or more) English decks and in which different combinations have to be made, as occurs in gin rummy, remigio, chinchón or the basket It has the peculiarities that the combination to be made in each hand is fixed and that it is allowed to steal "against" (taking the card from the well out of your turn, if it is not trodden on).
A game of Continental is made up of seven hands or games, each of which must be played with a fixed combination of trips or straights, with greater difficulty and different each time.
It's a real-time multiplayer game, so you'll need a stable internet connection (although if it cuts out or you crash, you can still rejoin your game, even from another device). You will play and you will be able to chat with other connected players from the same app, from the web page or from the desktop Java application (valid only for computers).
You can choose to play with the classic cards or with high visibility cards (with green clubs and blue diamonds).
You can find the rules and the development of the game at
Write to us at if you have any questions, comments or problems with the game.
We look forward to playing a game with you soon! See you soon!