NAUTILIO is a mobile application that helps sailors find their way inside a port or a marina. It allows the harbour master's office to assign a berth to a boat entering the harbour, and the sailor to be guided to that berth without requiring any physical assistance from the harbour master’s office.
NAUTILIO combines precise positioning and mapping to safely guide sailors to their allocated berth. The application increases safety for in-port manoeuvers as sailors are reassured in their boating practices, particularly in berth parking, which is the most delicate phase.
NAUTILIO considers the location given by the smartphone and uses a surface algorithm to compute the trajectory to the berth.
NAUTILIO has been developed in the context of the MyGalileoApp challenge organized by the European GNSS Agency (GSA). NAUTILIO stands within the top ten apps selected by EUSPA.
NAUTILIO is a property of CS Group France. All rights reserved.