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Eye Gym VR App is designed for visual training or eye warm up before practice or competition using the latest Virtual Reality (VR) technology. VR encases your entire field of vision for a very realistic experience. It requires a VR Headset or Head Mounted Display (HMD).

The eyes are another muscle in you body that needs to be warmed up in order to achieve peak performance. The App consists of a series of lateral, horizontal/vertical and random fast moving target on a real shooting range background.


1) Improve speed of target acquisition.
2) Train you eyes to focus on an object irrespective of the range background.
3) Train your eyes to work together.
4) Improve reaction time.
5) Improve consistency of fixation.
6) Improve consistency and accuracy of eye movements.
7) Expanding peripheral vision.
Oxirgi yangilanish
9-may, 2020

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Compatible with latest Android SW version.