Halal Advisor lets you search and discover Halal restaurants and cafes near you. Browse thousands of restaurants and access venue information like trading hours, menus, offers, gallery & user reviews, and ratings to decide where you want to eat and use the map feature to guide you there.
*Explore restaurants and cafes in your city, including the ones near your current location, and use search filters to find the one that suits you best.
*Discover mouth-watering dishes served up by our restaurant partners on our new Instagram posts feed.
*View menus, gallery, phone numbers, directions, user reviews, and all the other information you need to choose a restaurant for Dine Out, Takeaway or Delivery.
*Rate and review restaurants you've been to, and share photos of your foodie moments directly from the app.
*Offers – our restaurant partners now have the ability to upload exclusive Halal Advisor deals for our app users.
*Maintain an easy reference list of restaurants you want to visit with Favourites.
Also check us out at www.halaladvisor.com.au on your computer or tablet.