Grati makes recognizing others simple and meaningful, building strong connections in local communities. Celebrate those that deserve it most, be seen for your service, and shape a world where gratitude becomes a powerful force one thank you at a time.
Our platform allows individuals, businesses, and non-profits to be recognized for the work they do to better the lives of others. We focus on those who maintain our standard of living and offer us comforts so commonplace, they often go unseen and unappreciated.
As part of this effort, Grati humanizes a tipping culture that has become forced and impersonal. While at the same time opening the door for individuals that have not traditionally received gratuity to earn tips.
How it works:
1. Create a profile: Get Thanks users are contributors to their communities who can be recognized, receive tips, and give gratitude to others.
Give Thanks users are individuals that only wish to express gratitude to others
2. Scan a Get Thanks users' QR code or search for them
3. Say thank you with meaning using a friendly emoji, a few kind words, a tip, and photos
4. See how far a little thanks can go
Gratitude is a simple act that moves beyond currency, borders, and cultural differences. A few kind words in an effortless show of meaningful recognition can change the course of a person’s day, week, month, or even their life. Join us and spread some goodwill in our fractured world.
Please note that we are in a Beta phase of development and will be adding more features in the weeks and months to come. All feedbacks to help us improve our service is much appreciated!