Defenx Privacy Advisor

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Defenx Privacy Advisor is a completely FREE application with no ads that scans each application installed in order to determine the risk to advise each of them. The risk is managed in 3 categories : high, medium and low. When an app with high or medium risk is found a notification inform the user that an action should be taken.


Nowdays we use our personal device to Banking, save personal data, and secret data, and with this amount of applications that just make easier our daily tasks comes a risk, as much more applications you have installed, more are the data you have stored, between these apps some of them could be hiding the information that they are able to access and steal, For this reason we have Defenx Privacy Advisor, that scans every single application in your device and alerts you about their specific permissions of access.
Oxirgi yangilanish
24-iyl, 2017

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Privacy Advisor becomes Free