Princess memory game for kids

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10,7 ming ta sharh
1 mln+
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* Princess memory game for kids is the classic board game, which help develop memory skills of children.
* Playing this game with your kids will help them improve their recognition while having fun.
* Game for kids contains very cute images of princesses, unicorns and ponies which are on memory cards.
* Princess memory game for kids is a game for children of all ages, babies, preschoolers, school children and teens. Especially girls will love this game.

How to play princess memory game for kids:
For each level, player is required to tap the square buttons and need to memorize what is behind it in order to match its couple. Players are required to complete a level in minimum finger taps to match all memory cards.

FEATURES ( of Princess memory game for kids ):
- princess matching game has 3 different difficulty (easy: 2x3; medium: 3x4; hard: 4x5)
- princess game for kids develops recognition, concentration and motor skills of kid
- cute sounds for kids
- colorful HD graphic designed for toddlers
- kids matching game has beautiful images of princess, mermaids, unicorns, pink ponies, ...
- designed for girls
- visual memory training
- highscore (paid feature)

* Simple and intuitive interface which is easy to use and easy to play, specially designed for children.
* Princess memory game for kids is also optimized for tablets (provide HD pictures).
* This free princess memory game for kids will keep your kids quiet and entertained in car, in a restaurant or everywhere.
Oxirgi yangilanish
14-noy, 2023

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