Surah Ar Rahman (Arabic text: الرحمان) is the 55th chapter of the Qur’an. The surah titled in English means “The Beneficent” and it consists of 78 ayats.
Surah Ar Rahman helps to bring you close to Allah Almighty. It also facilitates putting off any sanctimony of your heart. If someone feels really anxious and doesn’t know how to get peace of heart, he/ she should recite Surah Ar Rahman. It will not only heal your heart but also give you internal peace of mind and satisfaction to your soul.
Surah Rahman suppresses the hypocrisy of your heart. If Surah Rahman is recited during the day, an angel keeps the story till sunset and if it is recited at night, Allah Almighty sends an angel to keep next to you until you wake up.
Surah Rahman is the special surah of the Quran assuming great importance for the Muslim indeed. The recitation of Surah Rahman is a source of treatment for various diseases. The heart patients are still treated in the spiritual centers with the recitation of Surah Rahman.
Surah Rahman is part of the Holy Quran. According to the saying of our beloved Prophet (SAW); ten virtues are recorded for the person who pronounces a single word of the Holy Quran. Explaining it more, the Prophet says that Alif-Laam-Meem carries thirty virtues; ten virtues for each word. While reciting Surah Rahman Muslims gain the same benefit after pronouncing each word. Surah Rahman also cures fatal diseases of many kinds.
The Audio recital, Translation and Transliteration options assist user in understanding the teachings present in this Surah effectively. In this application the surah Ar-Rahman with Arabic alphabet, English alphabet and English translation.
App features:
-Ar-Rahman with beautiful Recitation
-Translation Ar-Rahman in English.
-Listen Offline whenever you want
-Play the sound in a single click of button.
-Nice, clean & easy User Interface.
-Read Arabic, English alphabet and English meaning
-No annoying ads
-It is FREE
Our Last Prophet Muhammad PBUH said:
" Abdullah Ibn Mas’ud (Radi Allahu Anhu) reported that the Prophet (Sallallahu Alayhi Wasallam) said, ‘Everything has an adornment, and the adornment of the Qur’an is Surah Ar Rahman’
Reference: Imam Bayhaqi (Rahmatullah Allaih) in Shuab Al Imaan"