We understand all of the challenges associated with finding the best childcare staff for your center. It can be stressful! And finding qualified substitute teachers who are willing to remain "on-call" until your school has a need can be even more challenging. This process can sometimes feel impossible. Vacancies, Terminations, Illnesses or growth can leave your classrooms short of staff. We get it, and we’re here to help.
WeSUB Teach recruits childcare teachers that have a passion and a desire to work in the industry.
That is why the WeSUB Manager app was designed specifically for Early Childcare programs. The WeSub apps connect substitute teachers to Early Child Care programs throughout the United States. Childcare professionals can select “sub gigs” to help cover your classrooms.
Rest assure that all teachers registered with WeSUB Teach are state-approved and have completed all mandatory background screenings.
For more details, contact us today at team@wesubteach.com.