Hello all users of Trademark Copyright Law Software.
The trademark copyright law enacted in 2019, the transitional laws that will implement the law, and the English translation of the law have been added to make it easier for software users to learn.
What you can easily get from this trademark copyright law software is –
While reading the laws, the sections he wants to refer to, regulations, If there are procedures, you can organize them in the My Favorites section
Another thing is to be able to name the folder you like and organize it in Note.
Also, copying each section or sub-section you like. Can also share
Next is the law. regulations, Being able to find the words in the procedures. Ability to search by law
To be able to study and view the transitional laws that will be published later in one group.
Able to study and read articles related to trademark and copyright law.
This software is protected by trademark law, passing laws; In order to make learning easy and convenient, and the articles written to gain knowledge, it is only analyzed and presented from the developer's point of view.
The software released now is the first version, so there may be requirements. The software will be updated from time to time, so any suggestions that will be beneficial to the users of the software are welcome. We would like to inform you that this software is not intended to be used as a reference in the courts, but to make it easier for legal users to learn and gain knowledge.
with regard
Malamore (Law)
*** Sources of the information ***
You can find a free copy of it in PDF file at Myanmar Ministry of Information website at https://www.moi.gov.mm.
*** Important ***
DISCLAIMER: The Trademark Law app does not represent the government entity and are not affiliated with any government or political entity. Information related to government can be found here at: https://www.moi.gov.mm.