This application is a DEMO version, including four games edu-entertaining and educational animations May.
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Publisher Edu has prepared smart preschoolers (4- 6 years) a fabulous trip into the past. It includes 23 educational games and fun animations and 29, the child finding out a lot of novel information about the evolution of mankind.
Ravings and Nano arrive by chance in the house wizard Petrus exactly when it prepared a magic potion. With this potion, Petrus will be able to fulfill the dream, to travel to the past and to become the greatest wizard of all time. The three embark on an exciting journey to collect the precious objects that Petrus needs: a canker in the ice age, a hospital first wheel, pulley build pyramids handkerchief of ladies, steam from the first locomotive and a song from the first computer. Each stopover in the history of mankind is an opportunity for nonsense to make new friends and get into all kinds of funny situations.