Explore the beautiful natural landscape and the Oberbergisches Wupper and experience the "hardest working river in Germany" in a diverse cultural landscape full time traces, experiences wayside and with a rich flora and fauna!
The "Wupper Diversity" App is your electronic Exkursionsführer it.
It leads with a navigation function at 22 walking and cycling routes to the attractions of the landscape. About images, short texts, sound files and information stations locally experienced adults and children to a lot of information. Typical animal - and plant species, their habitats and hidden treasures of the cultural landscape will be presented in short articles.
Whether family trip or multi-day hike, with the "Wupper Diversity" App you will discover more!
Contents of the app:
- Points of Interest, such as the Wupper diversity Interactive Stations
- About 20 walking and cycling trips - from short walk with prams to multi-day hiking tour
- Infrastructure such as parks and campsites, e-bike charging stations, public restrooms and picnic areas
- Calendar of activities of the Biological Station Oberberg in the region
Contact the Seller:
Biological Station Oberberg, castle Homburg 2, 51588 Nümbrecht
Tel .: 02293-90150; Mail: oberberg@bs-bl.de; Web: www.biostationoberberg.de
"Wupper diversity - nature experience in the upper valley of the Wupper" is a project of the Biological Station Oberberg. The project is funded by the "European Regional Development Fund" (ERDF) and the state of NRW within the Ziel2.NRW Programme - Regional Competitiveness and Employment - NRW experience through the Ministry for Climate Protection, Environment, Agriculture, Conservation and Consumer Protection of North Rhine-Westphalia.
Rights Required:
Location - is required to be located on the proposed routes
Microphone - is not required. This right, however, is coupled to the audio output and can not be deselected separately.
Others - active Internet connection is required to retrieve current data.