e invoice Maker is an app that helps users create invoices for all types of business holders for both product and service bases, You can create a Quick bill by just adding through a calculator without adding any product in a few seconds and adding Tax, discounts also and able to save, share and print invoices, also can manage a paid, un-paid and cancel invoices.
You just need to fill :
1. Company Or your Details (Profile Details_ -
Your Logo.
Contact No., Alternate Contact No.
Email Id
website URL if any
2. Expense Details -
Image if any
date Expense
amount Expense
title Expense
description Expense
3. Add Update Tex -
Tax Name
Tax Value (%)
4. Product
Add Product/Service (Create Item)
Create Discount
Create Category
Upload Item image if any
Product/ Service Name
Select Category if Any
Taxable item or not selection option
5. Home (Calculator )
there are digits from 0 to 9 along with an Add (+) button and Cancel Button
+ Add button adds a entered amount as an Item ( Product / Service ) in a Cart
The cancel button clears the last entered number
eg. for + (Add Button) : (Sell 1 pen amount 10 and, 1 notebook amount 30 just enter [ 100 (10.0 ) + 3000 (30.0) + )
now you can see there are two items added to a cart of amount 40
you can add quantity in items or remove them from here and can also add a discount if added.
6. cart (Checkout )
will able to see items added for a generated e invoice
on click check out you can manage an invoice according to a customer
by adding their Mobile Number, Name, and Email which is (optional)
and add Some Tips if any
Notes if want to note some special information with a current Bill or Invoice
7. Invoices
List of Invoices
with date, invoice, payment status and Amount
On clicking invoice, you can Update an invoice payment status (Complete - Paid, Cancel )
Share PDF invoices with users
Print invoices in multiple Sizes like ( A4, Letter ) [ Horizontal or portrait mode ]
The invoice will be saved in your Invoice List
You Can Generate a PDF of the Invoice and share with anyone