About Dictionary
elhalil internet dictionary has been prepared on the basis of "elhalil Arabic-Turkish Dictionary" and "elhalil Media Dictionary" prepared by Halil Uysal and has a number of vocabulary to meet the needs of advanced users. The dictionary, which includes both classical and modern words, is also idiomatic structures, concepts and terms specific to different disciplines, technical terms, concepts of human and social sciences, widely idiomatic structures, wise words and the use of almost all prepositions and conjunctions. it contains. In addition to dictionary, frequently used words, sentence structures, general expressions, temporal sayings in contemporary sources and especially in media organs; political, political, military, economic, commercial, industrial, legal, artistic, sociological, psychological philosophical and literary curriculum are widely covered.
- The dictionary is arranged alphabetically. The order is based on reading the words.
- The dictionary contains phrases in Arabic - classic and modern.
- During the arrangement of the words, except for the necessary places, the jewelry of ال was not used. As in the example of جَابٍ / الجَابِيّ.
- The words are included in their singular use. Where deemed necessary, their plural use is marked with the name ج. If the word is used mostly with its plural form, it is included as a separate item. As in the examples لاَل م طَلَل and أَوْكَار م وَكْر.
- The words have taken place with the use of warriors / masculine. In cases where there is a special meaning distinction between Muennes / feminine use, feminine uses are included.
- Verbs took place with their past. Root letters of words, zahari, infinitive, name perpetrator, name meful, self-confident and order forums are also added.
- If the words have more than one meanings, different meanings are listed with numbers (1. 2.…), and the separator (;) is used for the close meaning differences. The (;) separator sometimes refers to the description of the word before it. The nickname (/) is used as the separator (and, or).