EMDDI is an online vehicle dispatching technology platform operating under a completely new model, developed by experts and scientists at Hanoi National University. EMDDI is calculated and designed to work at scale, with very powerful and advanced core technology. Based on the EMDDI platform, we have created thousands of independent ride-hailing software systems, each owned by a transport unit. These transport units can create and manage their own transport services with their own technology such as taxi booking, e-contract vehicles, motorbikes, freight cars and many other types of transport. Moreover, EMDDI is also an environment to connect and connect the services of units throughout the system in many different localities, helping to synthesize and resonate strength. Customers only need to use one EMDDI software to be able to choose and use all transportation services of many providers nationwide.
Currently, EMDDI is the largest technology transportation platform in Vietnam with the participation of many leading transportation companies in more than 40 provinces and cities. In particular, EMDDI has been selected by the Vietnam Taxi Alliance as the official technology solution and is being deployed for all units in the Alliance.
EMDDI and Hanoi National University are proud to bring a new technological transportation solution to Vietnamese people.