Lunch is a community for everyone who has food left and would like to pass it on. To take part as soon as someone wants to pick up lunch, registration is required. The one who picks it up brings a small pot and gets the leftover lunch in it. It's a social project, lunch is given away to fellow citizens who don't have that much. If you have leftover food that you can no longer use and in the worst case have to throw it away, you can offer it in the community and save it from the trash can. My name is Daniel Zimmer, I am a trained chef and would like to give you the opportunity to share meals and food that is not consumed with your friends as well as colleagues and new friends. In the link in the head area (lunch table) you can choose a city, post a lunch with a photo and indicate the number of portions. When members contact you via the messaging messenger, you make an appointment and exchange your contact details. If you want to give away groceries, you can do that using the lunch table plugin.