The Link ERP app is a mobile version of Link ERP for Windows.
Link ERP - The Link ERP app is largely divided into two types, and you can use the app with two functions - ERP and Web Order Management - with just your ID.
ㅁ Link ERP
.Management Daily: Check daily, monthly, and yearly cumulative sales amount, today’s collection amount, and receivable amount.
View cumulative purchase amount, today’s payment amount, and unpaid amount for the day, month, and year
.Accounting management: general slip inquiry, purchase data status, sales data status
.Purchase management: Purchase receipt input (barcode), purchase daily report, order status, purchase status by business partner, tax invoice receipt status, annual and monthly purchase status, monthly daily purchase status
.Sales management: Sales daily report, quotation status, order status, sales status by customer, tax invoice issuance status, annual monthly sales status, monthly daily sales status
.Account management: Receipt payment status, credit sales status by customer, credit purchase status by customer
.Production inventory: Production status, inventory inquiry by item, inventory status, inventory movement input, inventory physical input.
.Standard information: Customer inquiry, contact information inquiry, customer unit price by item, unit price by item type, consultation content status
ㅁ Web Order Management
.Order entry
.Enter delivery address
.shopping basket
.Purchase status