The platform d'Atencio Ciutadana is a System of Customer Attention (SAC) especially dissenyat per Eternity Online 2016 S.L. The City Council of Nules offers a service of Citizen Attention and offers a closer, more direct and personal attention to the cities. The versatility of the permet system adapts to the necessities of the quantum of functionalities, as well as to an effective management of the public administration. Permet manage the cues d'atenció d'un eficient i senzilla. Oferint cites presencials, telefòniques, i com main novetat, incorporates a videoconferències system which has an xat, the possibilitat to share the screen, to share videos, etc. The video conferencing system is available per a Turisme. // The Citizen Attention platform is a Customer Service System (SAC) specially designed by Eternity Online 2016 S.L. so that the City Council of Nules offers a Citizen Service and therefore offers a closer, direct and personalized attention to its citizens.
The versatility of the system allows to adapt both to the needs of the citizen in terms of functionalities, as well as to an effective and efficient management of the public administration.
It allows to manage the queues of attention in an efficient and simple way.
Offering face-to-face appointments, telephone calls, and as a main novelty, it incorporates a videoconferencing system which contains a chat, the possibility of sharing the screen, sharing videos, etc. The videoconferencing system is only available for Tourism.