Ice Queen Makeup Spa 2

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1,36 ming ta sharh
500 ming+
Yoshga oid cheklov
T (13+)

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Ice Queen will have a date with her beloved prince today. Come to help her have an excellent facial makeover and give her a body spa. Try your best to make her look as beautiful as you can for the dating. First stage, you need to help her for a facial spa. Clean her face skin and then get rid of her black eyes and red pimples one by one. Help her make facial and eyes masks to let her facial skin look clean and fresh. Put some facial creams after the spa. Second stage, you need to help the queen do a nice body spa. Make warm atmosphere for her, use the body cream to clean her back skin and them put some essential oil and give her a comfortable massage. After that put some magnet stone on her back to release her tiredness. The third stage, you need to give queen a nice foot spa. Put some hot water in the wooden basin and then clean her foot. After that you need to cut her nails and polish it one by one. At last put some beautiful nail colors for her nails. Fourthly, come to make up for our ice queen. Use our prepared cosmetics to make her look amazing. The fifth stage, you need to dress up for our queen. Choose nice dresses and hairstyles for her. At last choose one handsome prince image and show beautiful queen and her prince for us.
1. Give queen a nice facial spa
2. Make a body spa for the queen
3. Help her do a nice foot spa
4. Make up beautifully for the queen
5. Dress up for her

How to play:
1. Clean face for the queen
2. Get rid of her black eyes and red pimples
3. Make facial and eyes masks for her
4. Put some facial creams on her face
5. Clean the back skin for the queen
6. Put some essential oils on her back
7. Give her a massage
8. Use the magnet stones to release her tiredness
9. Make up for queen
10. Dress her up beautifully
11. Choose one handsome image for the prince
12. Show us at last
Oxirgi yangilanish
31-okt, 2023

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1,18 ming ta sharh