Flamingo offers a new approach to online dating:
No photos - only video “here and now”
Photos can be "from the best of times", retouched or even fake. Instead, in Flamingo, people record video from the front camera. Firstly, it eliminates fake accounts and people who are not interested in real communication. Secondly, it makes it possible to immediately catch the charisma of a person, to hear his voice and the way he expresses his thoughts. And this is especially important so that there are no surprises in a personal meeting.
No boring questionnaires - just a story about yourself personally
Few people like to fill out extensive questionnaires and few people like to read them. In Flamingo, people talk about themselves, supplementing their profile with short videos in the “interview” mode, in which the application itself suggests various topics in the form of questions. Someone is interested in talking about their work or pets, and someone about hobbies and travel.
No swipes and likes - only lively interest
Such "mechanical" actions as swipes and likes turn online dating into a monotonous task. Flamingo doesn't have them. If you feel that you like a person or your interests converge - just start communication by recording a response to a video from his profile. And you don’t have to look for topics for a conversation for a long time, because each video in the profile reveals the interests of a person - why not start a conversation?
No text messaging - just face-to-face communication
From a large number of text chats, you can quickly get tired. Often they start with a banal "Hi, how are you?", but in the end they end up with nothing. There are no text messages in Flamingo - all communication takes place in the format of face-to-face video messages. This is convenient - you can watch the video and record the answer at a convenient time for you, while not losing the charms of live communication and real emotions.
Welcome to the future of online dating!