Low cost Power monitoring application designed for simple setup and use on inexpensive Android phones
The Power Sentry is a low-cost app for use on inexpensive used android cell phones. It watches 24/7 for power outages and notifies you when they occur and again when they are resolved. It is designed to be easy to setup and use, simply install the app, set some settings for your environment, plug in the phone and turn on the monitoring function. If you have equipment that is important to keep running with constant electric power, this app will save you money, save time and give you piece of mind. If the situation is urgent or remote you can be notified and let the power company know, go to the location to solve the problem or rent a portable generator. Power monitoring devices can cost hundreds, but this app is less than $5 to purchase and a cheap used android phone purchase along with a phone plan of around $5 a month and you are all set. See our web site or email us for where to find the phones and plans. When Wayne Newton had his yacht sink at the lake dock because a power outage caused his sump-pump to stop running, I’m sure he would have appreciated having The Power Sentry app watching out for him! It can do the same for you regardless of the value of what you are protecting from loss.
The Power Sentry Features:
Instant alert as to power outage via SMS and/or email.
Instant alert of power restored (if phone battery has not been depleted).
Low cost easy to use Android application, one-time fee $3.99.
Loud constant alert tone can be heard from the phone if people are in range.
No expensive backup generators or UPS battery systems required for less critical applications.
Traditional Power Monitoring equipment can cost thousands in equipment and installation.
Works with cheap used cell phones (see eBay.com, c7recycle.com, swappa.com).
Works with free or office wifi (if it operates during the outage).
Works with cheap cellular data plans (see SpeedTalk $5/mo alarm plan, Freedompop, mint mobile).
Works with portable wifi routers.
Works with free email systems.
Download The Power Sentry now and start saving today! It's the cheapest insurance policy you will ever buy!
App Potential Uses:
Traditional Power Monitoring equipment can cost thousands in equipment and installation.
Security systems and webcams go offline and threaten property loss.
Freezers lose power and the possible cost of spoiled food.
AC/HVAC systems go off-line, employees may not be able to work.
Water/bilge pumps go off-line in boats and risk sinking.
Medical devices lose power and threaten lives.
Heaters go off and threaten frozen water pipes.
Elevators without power can inconvenience customers.
Watering systems can shut down and lose plants, vegetables, and crops.
Computer outages can shut down web sites and remote control of devices.
Remote locations or older folks homes might need checking during an outage.
Pool cleaning systems can shut off risking water quality and algae growth.
Broadcast systems can shut down TV/Radio/Cellular services.
Power outage logging can become the basis for a claim to the power company for the quality of service.
Long duration outages can prompt a status call to the power company.
Breaker box related outages can be tracked to the exact second they occurred.