NOA is a judicial service application created as a form of support from the High Religious Court and Courts in East Nusa Tenggara for bureaucratic reform towards a modern judiciary. NOA was created to help the public enjoy several judicial services online without having to come to the office in person. The development of this application is very suitable for the current pandemic conditions, namely to limit existing interactions.
Access to information is expected to be accessible to anyone, including vulnerable groups. To strengthen access to information on justice for vulnerable groups, namely women, children, and persons with disabilities through strengthening disability services and access for each line of court, an optimization of the NOA Application Feature was made.
This application provides a feature that explains what facilities are available for vulnerable groups with menus such as:
1. Women: Includes a description of the Lactation Room facilities, PTSP
2. Children: Includes Playground information
3. Disabilities: Includes any facilities provided in the work unit
4. Minorities: Includes Posbakum, Prodeo
5. Service SOPs