Floodin video photo sales app – simple-to-use video photo editing and sales app for tourism operators, attractions, and freelance tour guides. Capture videos and photos of your guests, import those videos and photos into an album, a video is created from the video clips adding a background music and your branded template footage helping create a high impact video. The video and photos of your guest’s experience is uploaded to your branded shop page and a link is sent via email and text to your guests for them to preview, purchase and then share with family and friends.
Easy to use, made for tourist guides, activity operators and attractions on the move, saving time and making you extra money from your tours.
Simple Effective Guest Video Editing
- Automated video creation makes it simple to create videos for guests while on the move.
- Customisable video template slots helps add value and create better quality videos of guest experiences.
- Copyright free background audio tracks are automatically added to the video helping create a mood and more impactful video.
- Export video quality options of HD and FWD help minimise upload speeds for guides on the move or who have slow connections.
-Offline video rendering for tourist guides, adventure activities and attractions who operate in areas with limited or no internet connection helps streamline operations.
- Maximum length of 10 minute per video created means you have more than you need to provide your guests with a high impact video.
Quick Photo Editing and Sales
-Maximum of 150 photographs per album allows you to provide guest with a photo package that drives video photo package sales without limitations.
- Automatic photo upload is fast and simple to use helping streamline workflows for busy adventure tourism operators, attractions, and guides.
- The king photo backdrop feature, allows you to add multiple pre-loaded backdrops to photographs of your guests with one click helping add value to your guest video photo packages.
- Select and add images from any stock album stored in your gallery to add images that promote your attraction, activity or tour.
- Customise album covers by selecting the best image to be displayed as your cover on the video photo shop preview page.
All Weather Pricing for Tourism
-Fixed pay as you earn pricing per video photo package sold to guests
-Fixed pays as you use pricing per video photo package given away to guests
-No subscription
-No monthly fees
-No support fees
Guest Video Photo Sales
-Online shop automatically created from sign up where your guests can preview and purchase their video and photo package
-Customise shop settings and branding.
-Personalise email and text messages sent to your guests.
Contact Us
If you would like to know more about the Floodin (video photo app for tourist guides, attractions and adventure tourism operators):
Service Email – info@floodin.com
Support Center – https://www.floodin.com/
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCedRfcSf-d5my_h8CdozPIQ
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Floodinpro/
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/floodinpro/