Stickers en Fongbé is a free application that allows you to add stickers in Fongbé language (local language of Benin) to your WhatsApp instant chat application. It is designed by IamYourClounon, a platform that promotes Beninese languages on the internet and has the motto: "Digital at the service of Beninese languages".
This application has taken the stickers usually used to which we have added texts in Fon which translate the expressions and feelings of the users.
Fongbé Stickers allow you to easily learn some words and expressions in the said language. It is an application constituting an easy literacy channel in one of the most spoken languages in Benin, Fongbé.
As soon as you download and install it, you add it to WhatsApp which then uses your phone's Internet connection to allow you to send Fongbé Stickers to your contacts and enrich your private conversations like those in groups.
You can make a donation for the sustainability of our project. You will find a link to SUPPORT us so that our volunteer team can continue to develop other useful solutions.
1. Install and then open the app.
2. Scroll down and press the + sign in front of the pack you are interested in.
3. Choose the WhatsApp application (If you have two installed) in which you want to add them.
4. Confirm the addition then go to your WhatsApp application in the stickers section and that's it.
5. Enjoy!
NB: If you are unable to add the stickers as described above, it would be due to the obsolete version of your Whatsapp application. So please update it from Google Play or by downloading it from the official website of the app.
Likewise the app does not add to unofficial versions of WhatsApp.
We have provided an explanation key to reveal the idea and meaning of each Fongbé Sticker in order to facilitate their use.
We say a sincere thank you to the whole team thanks to whom this application is available.
- Smak Media Studios
- FulbertoDev
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We are always available for any contribution, recommendation or criticism! If you have any comments, questions or concerns, or would like to support us, please write to us at:
You can consult our website: