Instantly view your patient's full chart, capture hospital charges, use Dragon® medical for office visits, manage hospital patients, use integrated signature pad.
Fully integrated with NextGen®: charges map directly to the holding tank, dictation maps to common templates.
Extensible to create custom workflows that map directly to the EMR.
• Check schedules and review appointment details from anywhere.
• Open patient charts and review crucial information including phone calls, previous HPIs and Plans plus all patient documents, labs and photos.
• Save time and reduce transcription costs with Dragon® - dictate visit notes and other documents and save directly to NextGen®..
• Sign, comment or reject your PAQ items.
• View hospital patients and capture charges for new and existing patients. Use your most frequently used Dx/Cpt codes or search Dx with IMO®. Share notes with your partners, upload photos and more. No more missed charges from lost face sheets!
• Create custom forms for your iPhone® and iPad® to display and capture your unique data and workflow needs!
• Access critical information and keep working offline during EHR outages and automatically sync notes, photos, charges and other information when the EHR goes back on line.
NOTE: Easy NG™ requires a server license to access your NextGen® EMR capabilities. Please contact us at for additional information.