OpenLitterMap is an open source, interactive, and accessible database of the world's litter and plastic pollution.
Using our app is easy
1. Take a photo
2. Tag the litter
3. Upload it
For many people, litter has become normal and invisible.
Our litter maps tells a powerful story that reveals the invisible and communicates plastic pollution as a local problem.
Our data is open and accessible. Anyone can download our data for free, and use it for any purpose, without permission.
We empower you with the tools to create open and unrestricted location data on pollution.
All around the world, 100s of millions of people have been equipped with powerful devices that can collect data. But societies ability at producing data remains significantly underdeveloped.
We need your help.
As you collect data, you can help your country compete at the #LitterWorldCup.
We also introduced a new feature called Teams recently so you can record your impact as a group.
By default, all users are anonymous. However, you can make your name or username public on the maps or leaderboards.
Keep the global map open to see live updates of people uploading photos or creating at account.
And stay tuned for lots of exciting updates!
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