Let us Learn Science of Class 9 according NCERT easily. In this NCERT Science App you may find Science Notes, Science Questions and Answers with attractive images and short notes.
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Science Notes Topic wise:
हमारे आस पास के पदार्थ (matter in our surroundings)
क्या हमारे आस पास के पदार्थ शुद्ध है ? (Is matter around us pure?)
परमाणु व अणु (Atoms and Molecules)
परमाणु की संरचना (Structure of the Atom)
जीवन की मौलिक इकाई (The Fundamental Unit of Life)
ऊतक (Tissues)
जीवों में विविधता (Diversity in Living Organisms)
गति (Motion)
बल तथा गति के नियम (Force and Law of Motion)
गुरुत्वाकर्षण (Gravitation)
कार्य तथा ऊर्जा (Work and Energy)
ध्वनि (Sound)
हम बीमार क्यों होते हैं (Why do we fall ill?)
प्राकृतिक संपदा (Natural Resources)
खाद्य संसाधनों में सुधार (Improvement in Food Resources)
1. Topic wise content in Hindi for class 9.
2. Attractive image to clear concept.
3. Content is divided in parts and presented in easy to hard.